One of the things that have made traveling to Thailand most exciting one is the opportunity to charter and ride a motorcycle or car all alone in a foreign land! All tourists who intend getting a hired vehicle to ease their movement around during their stay in Thailand will have unlimited options to choose from. See more usful guides & tips about Modes of Transportation in Thailand.
Where can you Lease a Motorbike or a Car?
Virtually all Thailand villages, towns, cities, and islands even hotels provide an avenue for scooter rentals as will the travel agencies and likewise street stores. Wherever you get to, there will be price variation and also the quality of the motorbike because each vendor applies different maintenance standards to the bikes they rent out to clients.
Those who book significant hotels have a better chance of hiring quality motorbikes while other smaller hostels operated by westerners also offer safer bikes.

How much does Motorcycle rental cost?
The rental cost is based on 24hours, but you can as well negotiate with if you are using the bike more than 24 hours say, one week or more which will even give you a reduced rental price compared to 24 hours charges.
Automatic Motorcycle cost between 120 baht and 250 baht per day.
Semi-Automatic Motorbike cost between 120 baht and 250 baht per day.
Off-Road Motorbike: price per day ranges between 600 baht to 1000 baht.

Do I Need a License to Ride a Motorbike in Thailand?
Driving a car or riding a motorcycle in Thailand require utter nerves to physically and emotionally survive it. To ride or drive in Thailand, if you already have an international driving license from your country, you are covered, but if you do not have one, you will need a Thai permit to drive in the country legally. You can get a Thailand driving license for the type of vehicle you want to hire.

Do I Need Travel Insurance to Ride a Motorbike in Thailand?
Although you can still ride your hired vehicle in Thailand in a situation whereby you have either minor or major accident, you will need the help of your travel insurance provider. Therefore if you don't have a valid driving license in the country where the accident happened, then nothing cover you! You can't insure an illegal activity in a foreign country or anywhere in the world. As part of safety measures, it is vital and compulsory to wear a helmet while riding motorcycles in Cambodia, Thailand or Bali. Another essential thing to do is not to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Even if you are allowed to rent a bike without having a driving license doesn't mean you don't need one. You must check and now the local laws governing motorcycle riding, not the vendors.
Where to Park the Motorbike Car?
If you rent a bike for a couple of days, you will need a parking space every night. It is highly recommended not to leave the bike on the streets without anyone watching it not to talk of securing it with a cable or chain in an open space.
All the hotels and guesthouses have parking space for their customers where you can keep the bike inside the premises and sleep without having to worry about motorcycle theft.
In a situation whereby the hotel or guesthouse where you are lodging doesn't have secured parking space, and you are afraid of leaving the motorcycle keys with the receptionist, you can make a payment to park in the city under the watch of guards. You can find many of those paid parking space across that country with parking space of between 10 baht to 20 baht per night.
Useful tips for renting a motorbike Car in Thailand:
Before you rent a motorcycle, ensure to carefully check every part of the bike as well the operational condition of the bike. If possible, tae a snapshot of all the elements of the bike. If notice any defect, let the owner know ahead because they can ask you for repair charges of anything seen after you might have rent the bile and move it from their premises. Even if the fault has been there before you rent it, as long as didn't inform them before you leave the place, you will be held accountable for everything that happens to it. To ensure that everything is okay before you sing the dotted lines of the contract.
Do not forget always to wear your helmet when driving because if you are caught for not wearing a helmet, you are liable to pay a fine of 500 baht although you can negotiate the fine if it happens on the road and not at the police station. The standard penalty is close to 200 baht. At the point of renting the bike, the vendor can even give you free of charge!

Don't be so Careless with your Personal Safety
Should in case you decide to go ahead to rent a bike without proper documentation; make sure you don't get hurt in the process.
If you want to be safe on the road, adhere strictly to this advice
Put on your helmet always; if possible the type that covers your entire face.
Wear protective outfits like long pants and a jacket made from a sturdy material. Flip-flops, a t-shirt, and shorts don't count as sturdy.
Put on gloves because the majority of people use their hands to protect themselves in the occurrence of a fall, even on a tarred road when speeding at 50 km/h. If you don't have a glove on in such a situation, the effect can be disastrous!
Avoid speeding, drinking alcohol or drug use when riding.
Do not ride a motorcycle in the night.