In Fushimi ward of Kyoto, embark on a captivating journey that traces its history back to the 8th century with a visit to Fushimi Inari Taisha, the esteemed headquarters of approximately 30,000 Inari shrines scattered across the country.
Visit Nara Park, a vast green space in central Nara, where you can encounter iconic attractions like Todaiji, Kasuga Taisha, Kofukuji, and the Nara National Museum. Enjoy the unique experience of feeding crackers to some of the 1,000 free roaming deer, and marvel at their surprisingly tame yet captivating presence in the park.
Check out Todai-ji Temple, a monumental structure with a significant role in Japanese history. Pass through the imposing Nandaimon (Great Southern Gate), guarded by fierce Nio figures sculpted by renowned artists Unkei and Kaikei. The Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall), among the world's largest wooden structures, showcases impressive scale and architecture.
Discover the iconic Kasuga Taisha Shrine, a treasured site in Nara Park. Dedicated to the deity responsible for the protection of the city, the shrine is famous not only for its spiritual significance but also for its stunning architecture. Wander through pathways lined with thousands of stone and bronze lanterns, which create a magical atmosphere during the Lantern Festivals held each February and August.