In Fushimi ward of Kyoto, embark on a captivating journey that traces its history back to the 8th century with a visit to Fushimi Inari Taisha, the esteemed headquarters of approximately 30,000 Inari shrines scattered across the country.
Explore Kyoto's sake heritage at the Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum. Immerse yourself in its rich history and sake culture, and savor a range of sakes crafted with traditional techniques using the region's natural bounty.
From there, we'll make our way to Nara Park, home to over 1,200 freely roaming deer that have become a cherished natural treasure, all whom you may feed. Your adventure in Nara culminates at Tōdai-ji Temple, a cultural gem nestled in the heart of the city.
Check out Todai-ji Temple, a monumental structure with a significant role in Japanese history. Pass through the imposing Nandaimon (Great Southern Gate), guarded by fierce Nio figures sculpted by renowned artists Unkei and Kaikei. The Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall), among the world's largest wooden structures, showcases impressive scale and architecture.
Nakatanidou is a renowned shop specializing in traditional mochi, offering live demonstrations of the beloved Japanese treat's creation process. Their pride lies in the dramatic mochi-pounding, or mochitsuki, performed daily at the shop which visitors can gather to watch.